Word Files

Please read before downloading

As indicated at License and Copyright Information, the work of Paul Mallison in The Bible Unpacked is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseThe Scripture translations used are not licensed under a Creative Commons license and have all rights reserved (cf. copyright notices at License and Copyright Information).

For users wanting to translate and/or adapt the material, MS Word files are available at the links towards the bottom of this page, in 3 zip files. These are the files used to create the PDF versions of: the 7 editions, the Bible studies and the single chapters.

Please keep in mind the following points:

  • If changing the content, other than translating, please indicate that changes have been made to the original work.
  • If changing any headings, please try not to go beyond what the verses actually say.
  • If the material is altered in such a way that it could be construed as changing how verses of Scripture are used, permission would need to be obtained from the copyright owners of the Scripture translations before such material could be freely distributed (e.g. put on a website for downloading).
  • Permission would also need to be obtained from the copyright owners of the Scripture translations before the material may be used commercially, regardless of whether or not there are any changes.

Zip files with Word documents

* Mobiles might not be able to download zip files.