In-Depth Edition

Tips on Using This Resource


×Moves page headings from
the bottom to a separate pane.
Headings pane?
×Displays occasional comments.
Author's comments?
×Displays verses in a san-serif font (as
used in the headings and comments).
San-serif verse font?
Base font size
Line height
Toggles in top bar


×Turn this on for a colored background.
– Vary the color with the slider.
– Change colors with the drop-down.
Page Background?
×This applies formatting to the parts
of verses that the subheadings refer to.
You can select a different format below.
Key text in verses?

Unit color

BrownYellow color

Unit highlight

YellowWhiteBlackBrown highlight







Extra Bookmarks


Bookmark Label (optional)

Max. 20 characters

Tips on Using This Resource


Any colored heading is a hyperlink, not just blue headings. There are numerous links to and from headings in the text, as follows.

  • There are hyperlinks in the Contents to each of the 8 units and 40 chapters. Additionally, there are hyperlinks at the start of each major section to the headings in the text that follows.
  • Each heading in the text is a hyperlink to the corresponding heading in a list of all the headings – which are in turn hyperlinks back to the headings. In the online versions, these lists of headings occur at the bottom of each page in the main text. In the ebook versions, the lists in the All Headings Lists section are used.
  • The Major Headings Lists section contains lists of the major headings for each of the 8 units. The headings listed are hyperlinks to the corresponding headings in the text.
  • The All Headings Lists section contains lists of all headings for each of the 40 chapters. The headings listed are hyperlinks to the corresponding headings in the text.

There are cross references to other headings in the text. These can occur at the start of chapters, parts, sections and subheadings. These are blue and so obviously are hyperlinks.

The arrows and  occur immediately after verse references in some comments and cross references, e.g. Ex 40:38 ; Ex 13:21 . These are cross referencing the referred-to verse/s in the previous or following subsection respectively.

Similarly, the arrows and  occur immediately after verse references in some comments, e.g. Ex 24:9–11 ; Ex 6:3 . These are cross referencing the referred-to verse/s above or below in the same subsection as where they are used.

Links to Bible Websites

To enable quick checking of a passage’s biblical context, each passage’s Bible reference is a hyperlink to the first verse in the passage in its chapter on a Bible website. For the In‑­Depth Edition, in which all verses are from the English Standard Version, this is the ESV Bible website. For other editions, which use verses from various translations, this is

As The NET Bible is the most commonly used translation in the editions other than the In‑Depth Edition, the verses will display on using The NET Bible. However, has numerous other translations that the user can easily change the verses to.

The Scripture Index and the Subject Index have hyperlinks under the verses and topics listed, to the verses and topics in the text.

These links refer to the section that the verse or topic appears, rather than page numbers. For example, 12.II.C refers to Chapter 12, Part II, Section C.

Some of the links in the Subject Index are bold. This denotes that the link is to a major heading.

Additional Online Functions

Navigation Icons
Buttons on the bar at the top of the main window in smaller online versions Buttons on the bar at the top of the menu window in smaller online versions

On mobile phones and tablets, icons for navigation (along with buttons for settings) appear either in:

  • the bar at the top of the screen (first image above); or
  • the bar at the top of the menu screen (second image above).

Note that the menu screen is activated by the “burger” button, the first icon in the first image above.

There are three navigation icons in the bars above. They are links to:

  • the Contents page – the open book icon, next to the “burger” button;
  • Tips on Using This Resource (i.e. this help page) – the question mark icon;
  • the Search Headings page – the magnifying glass icon.

On larger screens the navigation icons/buttons are at both ends of the bar across the top of the window, as per the image below.

Buttons on the top bar in larger online editions

Activating the Bookmark button (towards the RHS of the first and third images above) displays a Bookmarks dialogue box. This enables the user to set up to eight bookmarks in the three largest editions, and up to four bookmarks or less in the smaller editions.

Bookmarks dialogue box.

Bookmarks are set to the current position of the current page. Bookmarks are stored in a device’s local storage, to be available in later sessions.

When a bookmark is set, its icon changes to the color associated with the unit in which the bookmark is set. For example, in the image above the first two bookmarks are red, which indicates that they are set on pages in Unit B. The third bookmark is set on a page in Unit E, being green, while the fourth bookmark is not currently set.

When setting a bookmark, the dialogue box is expanded to display a section that gives the user the option of inserting a label for the bookmark – as per the image below. The label can be up to 20 characters long.

Bookmarks dialogue box with label insertion section.

Also note the following finer points:

  • If the bookmark is set in portrait orientation, it is best to return to the bookmark in portrait orientation.
  • If the Base Font Size or the Line Height settings are changed after the bookmark has been set, the position of the bookmark will be altered.
  • If the headings pane (available on wider screens) is displayed, the bookmark will not cater to the position of text in the headings pane.

On all screens, there is an icon the shape of a cog – towards the far-right side of the bar at the top of the window. It opens a settings pane at the bottom of the screen.

On small screens this settings pane initially displays as in the first image below. Tapping the Color label brings further settings into view, as shown in the second image below.

Layout settings on mobiles. Color settings on mobiles.

Larger screens have additional settings. On screens as wide as laptops or wider, the settings pane displays as below.

Settings pane on larger screeens.

These settings are as follows.

  • Headings Pane: This is available on screens wider than 360px. It toggles (on and off) a pane, initially on the RHS of the screen. (cf. The Headings Pane, below)
  • Author's comments: This toggles the display of comments after some headings and some verses. Note that there are not many comments in the smaller editions.
  • San-serif font: This toggles the font used for verses between the default serif font and a san-serif font. The latter is the font used for the headings and comments.
  • Base font size: This enables the user to change the “root” font size. The size of all the headings and paragraphs in the main text are based on this.
  • Line height: This allows the user to change the spacing between paragraph lines in the main text.
  • Toggles in top bar: This displays buttons in the top bar for each of the other toggle switches in the settings pane. The icons used for the buttons correspond to the icons displayed next to the corresponding settings.
  • Page Background: This gives the pages a colored background. There are six color options, in the adjacent combo box. These include dark colors, which most users would find preferable when reading at night. The adjacent slider enables users to adjust the lightness of the background.
  • Key text in verses: This applies formatting to the parts of verses that the subheadings refer to, to highlight them. (cf. Key text in verses, below)
The Headings Pane

On larger screens a pane can be displayed, initially on the right-hand side, to display content that would otherwise appear towards the top or the bottom of the page. Usually this content includes a list of links to headings on the page. On the pages with scripture, the headings on the page also link back to the corresponding headings in this list, enhancing navigation. Bible Study Questions are also displayed in this pane (in the editions that have questions).

The Headings Pane has a slider at the bottom, which enables users to adjust the width of the pane. Along with the slider, there is a control to move the pane to the LHS of the screen or back to the RHS.

Back and Forward buttons for full-screen mode, when right-side pane is not displayed

Note that a Headings Pane option is not available in the Two-Minute Edition or the Pocket Edition.

Key Text in Verses

Apart from in the two smallest editions, the parts of the verses that are reflected by the subheadings can be formatted to stand out. When the Key text in verses switch is turned on, the format selected in the box below the switch (cf. image below) is applied.

‘Key text in verses’ options

The color options are different when a dark background color is selected. The color options for Unit color and Unit highlight also differ, reflecting the unit that the current page is in. For example, green is the color used in Unit E. Relating to God for the headings and other aspects. So if the current page is in Unit E, then the options for Unit color and Unit highlight will be green.

Variations on iPhones and iPads

Users will see some differences in using this material on iPhones and iPads as compared to other devices. These differences are as follows.

  • Activating a bookmark icon to go to the position of a set bookmark will return the settings for Author's comments and San-serif verse font to what they were when the bookmark was set (if they have changed).
  • At the time of writing, toggling comments on or off will usually move the position of the page in the viewport. Toggling the font might also change the position, though not to the same extent.

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