Concise Edition

B.  God and the World: Basics


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Unit B

God and the World: Basics

Having a grasp of the topics in this chapter is fundamental to understanding God’s relationship with the world. Furthermore, knowing about these things is necessary for appreciating the significance of Jesus Christ.

God’s Creation

I.God’s Creation

God has made all things

For you created all things, and by your will they were given existence and life.   Revelation 4:11 GNT

All things belong to God, because he made everything

The heavens and the earth belong to you. And so does the world with all its people because you created them 12and everything else.   Psalms 89:11-12a CEV

What God has made shows us things about him

God’s eternal power and character cannot be seen. But from the beginning of creation, God has shown what these are like by all he has made.   Romans 1:19 CEV

Every creature’s life is dependent on God

Every living creature is in the hands of God.   Job 12:10 CEV

God’s Sovereignty

II.God’s Sovereignty

God is the ruler of all things

[David, to God:]  You are the source of wealth and honor; you rule over all.   1 Chronicles 29:12a NET

God has control over people’s lives

[Daniel, to King Belshazzar:]  But you didn’t honor God, who holds in his power your very life and all your ways.   Daniel 5:23b ISV

The Problem of Sin

III.The Problem of Sin

Sin is breaking God’s law

Whoever sins is guilty of breaking God’s law, because sin is a breaking of the law.   1 John 3:4b GNT

All people have sinned

All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.   Romans 3:23 CEV

The last phrase speaks of failing to live up to a standard that fits in with God’s glory. This is basically due to sin.

Sin leads to the punishment of eternal death

For the payoff of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.   Romans 6:23 NET

God’s holiness and justice mean that unforgiven sin must be punished with everlasting death. It involves everlasting separation from God, in hell.

God’s Judgment

IV.God’s Judgment

God repays people according to what they have done

[Paul, speaking of God’s final judgment:]  On that day everyone will see God’s right judgments. 6God will reward or punish every person for what that person has done.   Romans 2:5b-6 NCV™

God’s judgment is inescapable

[Paul, to his readers:]  When you judge people for doing these things but then do them yourself, do you think you will escape God’s judgment?   Romans 2:3 NET