Foundations Edition

24.  Connecting with God


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Chapter 24

Connecting with God

This chapter looks at how believers can get close to God, even knowing him. It then discusses the key topic of prayer – the prime means of communicating with God.

Seeking God

Seek God with all your heart

Now seek the Lord your God wholeheartedly and with your entire being!   1 Chronicles 22:19a NET

Persistently focus on God

[David, to God:] I remember you while I’m lying in bed; I think about you through the night.   Psalms 63:6 NCV™

Praying to God

Pray to God as a caring father

Therefore, this is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.   Matthew 6:9 ISV

[Jesus, to a crowd:] Bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!   Matthew 7:11 GNT

Having a holy and loving Father in heaven should inspire us to make requests of him, doing so in awareness of him being such a Father.

Pray in the Holy Spirit

[Jude, to believers:] Pray in the Holy Spirit, …   Jude 1:20b ISV

Having the Holy Spirit, believers are to pray “in the Holy Spirit”. As such we are to consciously rely on the Holy Spirit’s help in our prayers.

How to Make Requests

Ask for things in Jesus Christ’s “name”

[Jesus, to his disciples:] In that day you will ask the Father for things in my name. I mean, I will not need to ask the Father for you.   John 16:26 NCV™

To ask in Jesus Christ’s “name” is to do so in accordance with all that his name signifies. It is prayer that is consistent with Jesus Christ himself and his purposes – and made on his authority.

Ask earnestly and persistently

I cried out with all my heart, “Answer me, O Lord!   Psalms 119:145a NET

Jesus told his disciples a story about how they should keep on praying and never give up: …   Luke 18:1 CEV

Believe that what you ask will be granted

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.   Matthew 21:22 GNT

Belief in prayer involves an understanding of God’s will and genuinely trusting in God to fulfill his will.

God’s Response to Requests

God answers those who obey and please him

[John, to believers:] And God gives us what we ask for because we obey God’s commands and do what pleases him.   1 John 3:22 NCV™

God grants anything that is in accordance with his will

[John, to believers:] We have courage in God’s presence, because we are sure that he hears us if we ask him for anything that is according to his will. 15He hears us whenever we ask him; and since we know this is true, we know also that he gives us what we ask from him.   1 John 5:14-15 GNT

Pray for persecuted Christians